Once again, the Institute of Export Research and Studies (ΙΕRS) established by the Greek Exporters Association (SEVE) prepared their annual “Mapping of Greece’s export activity by region” study for the period 2015-2019, reaching to significant conclusions regarding the export performance of all Greek regions and regional units.
According to the study, in 2019, The Region of Attica Region maintained the largest share in Greek exports with a percentage of 53.4%. Namely, exports from the Region of Attica increased by 5.9% and amounted to €17.8 billion in 2019 compared to €16.8 billion in 2018, while imports were along similar lines amounting to €37.4 billion in 2019 and showing a 4.8% increase.
The Region of Central Macedonia climbed to 2nd place of Greek exports, surpassing the Region of Peloponnese, as it recorded the largest increase in exports during 2018-2019, which amounted to 7.6%. Central Macedonia exports a 15.7% share of Greek products, whereas if one excludes petroleum products, this share increases to 19.5%
Foodstuff in upward spiral
At sectoral level, petroleum products constitute 32.0% of Greek exports, with 88% coming from the regions of Attica and the Peloponnese. Foodstuff is in second place with 15.5%, while the Region of Central Macedonia has the largest share (30.5%) followed by Thessaly with 13.3%. In fact, Dr George Konstantopoulos, President of the Association, stated that one third of all exported Greek F&B comes from the Region of Central Macedonia and asserted that “Greek Food and Beverages are constantly gaining ground and are squeezing out products from other countries”.
Namely, the Region of Central Macedonia’s export performance accounts for a 18.8% share (as a % of DDP) of Greek exports, with food accounting for 30.1%. The Region’s main export destination are N. Macedonia with 12.7%, Germany (9.6%), Bulgaria (8.5%), Italy (6.2%), and Turkey with 5.4%.
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