Wine in Moderation, a unique coalition of responsible wine organisations who believe in a sustainable culture of wine —among the the National Inter-Professional Organisation of Vine and Wine of Greece (EDOAO)— is proud to announce the launch of its brand-new website ( The new site features a modernised design with new functionalities and clear information to help consumers and professionals alike make well-informed decisions to enjoy wine in moderation and to encourage a sustainable culture of wine.
The new website brings together all the Wine in Moderation members and Supporters around one single platform available in no less than 12 languages (English, French, German, Spanish, and Greek inter alia) and which offers a nationally tailored message.
“We are very excited to launch this new website which marks an important step in the implementation of our latest Brand Strategy”, states Sandro Sartor, President of Wine in Moderation. “This new website not only presents a wealth of new content in a modern and fresh design, it also offers a brand-new platform for professionals and for all our members and Supporters around the world, where they will get an exclusive access to our services, materials and tools.”
“A long-standing project, this new website will offer a personalised visit depending on the country you’re from”, says Nadia Frittella, Secretary General of the association. “The website’s news and events will be updated regularly offering visitors the possibility to check the events that are happening next to them. We are also particularly excited about our completely new Community Map which illustrates where on the globe our Supporters are and shows the important commitment of the wine sector towards a sustainable culture of wine”.
DISCOVER MORE: Sustainability