Moschos Farm: The Best Organic Farmer in Europe

Moschos Farms - Best Organic Farm in Europe

The Commission presented the 8 winners of this year’s EU Organic Awards, organized for the second consecutive year on the occasion of the EU Organic Production Day.

This year, there were around 100 applications from across the EU. Awards are given in 7 categories, along with 8 individual awards in recognition of outstanding, innovative, sustainable projects that inspire and generate real added value for organic production and consumption. The awards are given by the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Committee of the Regions, Copa-Cogeca and IFOAM Organics Europe, with the support of the European Parliament and the Council.

Moschos Farm, Kastoria, Greece

Thomas Moschos of Moschos Farm (Kastoria, Greece) was awarded as The Best Organic Farmer (male), who together with his brother owns the vertically integrated organic livestock and cheese production unit “Farma Moschos” (Moschos Farm) in Kastoria. Southern Greece. Mr. Moschos uses innovative methods for circularity and soil improvement, which lead to higher soil organic matter content and higher yields.

The Winners

The winners of the remaining categories are the following:

  • Best organic farmer (female): Clara Benito Pacheco (Entrelobas) – Serrada de la Fuente, Spain
  • Best organic region: Burgenland, Austria
  • Best organic city: Stadt Wien, Austria
  • Best organic “bio-district”: Idanha-a-Nova, Beira Baixa, Portugal
  • Best organic food processing SME: The Merry Mill – Vicarstown, County Laois, Ireland
  • Best organic food retailer: Gut Wulksfelde– Tangstedt, Hamburg, Germany
  • Best organic restaurant/food service: Luftburg – Kolariks Freizeitbetriebe GmbH – Vienna, Austria