The island of Naxos is home to some unique products, such as the intense and flavorful “Arseniko” cheese, which was just recently listed by the EU as a PDO denomination.
Greek Serbian Trade Relations

Balkan Neighborhood

A rapidly developing economy, albeit not a member of the European Union yet, Serbia is increasingly inclined towards quality over price, while recognising the EU PGI regime and applying the respective protection on PDO and PGI products.
Tomatoes are a major agricultural crop farmed in Greece and one of excellent quality and organoleptic characteristics. As a result, Greek tomatoes are perfectly red, utterly juicy and deliciously tasty.
Highly valued and sought-after all across the world, Greek salt is a natural product of the Greek sea, with exports amounting to €3,356,512 for the year 2019.
The rising awareness of Greek yogurt as a healthier substitute to other food products has created a multi-billion market that shows no signs of slowing down.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 is shaping to be a very successful year for the Greek processed tomato sector, with the harvest in Thessaly reaching 70%...
What is the most delicious Greek cheese? If you say Feta, then you’re missing out on some really tempting choices –especially in the soft cheese category. Take for instance Anevato, Katiki or Kopanisti, which are packed full of nutrients and flavor. Here are the PDO cheeses you should be familiar with.
Galaktoboureko, baklava, ravani and so on. Greek oven-baked sweet treats offer their fair share of sinful pleasure not only in local pastry shops, but in delis and stores all across the globe, as well.
The perfect “partner” to any food and not only souvlaki, Greek pita bread combines culinary creativity with versatility, and tradition.
In most of the EU countries where the apple harvest is just starting, there has been a decline in production. Greek apple quantities, however, are up in a year plagued by storms, hail and the coronavirus pandemic.