Monday, April 29, 2024
Almost every region in Greece takes great pride in the fact that it produces its very own, local Graviera cheese, while three of them are registered as products of protected designation of origin.
Galaktoboureko, baklava, ravani and so on. Greek oven-baked sweet treats offer their fair share of sinful pleasure not only in local pastry shops, but in delis and stores all across the globe, as well.
Hippophae production in Greece is developing at a fast pace, while exports are also in the works.
Greece produces a variety of cheeses, with 21 of them holding PDO status, ensuring that no other EU country can produce the same cheese by the same name.
New clinical study finds that the famous Greek olive variety is not only extremely tasty, but also by far the healthiest in the world.
There are literally hundreds of grape varieties in Greece. And no wonder, since the Greek vineyard is one of the oldest in the world and has produced wines for thousands of years.
Natural, full of flavor and aroma, Greek honey is free of genetic modification and gleaned from vast, uncultivated lands. The result, a top-tier product that surpasses all others.
Rooted deep in local legends, traditions and religion, Chios Mastiha is a product unique to Greece. And now, it is strategically investing into its medicinal properties.
A few months ago, a delegation of Chinese entrepreneurs visited the Region of Kozani in Greece, home to the famous red saffron. Now, Italy is also investing in Greek saffron, appreciating its superior quality. Saffron, the “gold of the...
Following a stellar trading period 2017-2018, Greece is expected to climb from 4th to 3rd place in kiwi fruit production globally.   Story: Vana Antonopoulou Greece has the perfect weather conditions for the cultivation of kiwis; its Mediterranean climate with hot...