Being one the largest fruit categories, table grapes are one of the most demanded fruit in Europe, with relatively stable. And although European table grape production is decreasing, Greece is seeing a rise in export numbers, even amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The island of Naxos is home to some unique products, such as the intense and flavorful “Arseniko” cheese, which was just recently listed by the EU as a PDO denomination.
"Made in Greece 2022" Awards Ceremony took place on Monday, June 20, rewarding and showcasing companies that continue to create and invest in Greece.
Galaktoboureko, baklava, ravani and so on. Greek oven-baked sweet treats offer their fair share of sinful pleasure not only in local pastry shops, but in delis and stores all across the globe, as well.
The rising awareness of Greek yogurt as a healthier substitute to other food products has created a multi-billion market that shows no signs of slowing down.
Raisins or currants, as they are also called, have been cultivated for many centuries in specific areas in Greece, where the cultivar thrives and prospers.
Gyros, one of the most delectable Greek street foods is also among the most popular ones at global level. Meet the people helping an international clientele get acquainted with authentic flavors from Greece and breathing new life into an old classic.
Innovation, safety, consistency, adherence to European specifications, and sustainability are key to the constant development of aquaculture in Greece.
Combining the unique herbs of the Mediterranean with a traditional process dating back thousands of years, ouzo is the most famous of Greek spirits.
Among the best known traditional Greek wines, Retsina has a rather controversial reputation. Long overshadowed by other distinguished local wines and appellations, it is nevertheless undergoing a Renaissance while aiming to change the often distorted views regarding one of the oldest and most unique Greek spirits.